Carolyn P. Parrott
- +1 555 879 578
Fusce magna lacus, tempor non ante ut, tincidunt rhoncus est. Donec nisl turpis, efficitur nec porta at, condimentum ut risus. Praesent ac dignissim metus. Sed ac pulvinar massa, nec ullamcorper nisl. Praesent egestas maximus tellus et fringilla. Proin blandit est eget orci pretium, vitae auctor augue luctus. Aenean dictum, nunc nec varius congue, leo libero dictum lectus, et sagittis purus nunc id diam. Quisque dignissim dolor eget odio molestie, non egestas sapien blandit. Phasellus non turpis a purus dignissim ultricies. Integer at sapien pretium nisl auctor commodo eget vitae sem.
Properties managed by Carolyn P. Parrott
Must-reads recommended by Carolyn P. Parrott
This book reveals how anyone can skip the competition and get started with small apartments - whether new or experienced.
21 true stories of what NOT to do when investing in real estate and flipping houses
The Rich Dad philosophy makes a key distinction between managing your money and growing it… and understanding key principles of investing is the first step toward creating and growing wealth.
I believe that best books that can help you to become a good real estate investor don't need to be only about the Real Estate market itself...
Carolyn P. Parrott